JetBrains激活码(JetBrains IDE Keymap)

JetBrains激活码(JetBrains IDE Keymap)

JetBrains-like Keymap for Visual Studio Code.

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Inspired by the Sublime Text Keymap extension from Microsoft.

This extension imports keybindings from JetBrains to VS Code. After installing the extension and restarting VS Code you can use VS Code just like IntelliJ IDEA, Webstorm, PyCharm etc.

This keymap has covered most of keyboard shortcuts of VS Code, and makes VS Code more ‘JetBrains IDE like’.

But this extension hasn’t transfer all keybindings of JetBrains yet. If you want more feature, go to GitHub Issues and make it more effective for your developement.


All of the customed keymap in this extension is configured in file. You can add or modify keymap configurations as seen below.

Usually the keybinding in Windows and Linux is same, while macOS is always different.

You can read more about how to contribute keybindings in extensions in the official documentation.

Tip: If you want to use ctrl (or cmd in macOS) + click to jump to definition change to and restart VS Code.

What keybindings are included in this extension?

You can see all the keyboard shortcuts in the tables as JetBrains激活码 followed


Command Feature Linux/Win macOS workbench.action.files.saveAll Save all ctrl+s cmd+s ✅ Open corresponding tool window alt+[0-9] cmd+[0,9] ✅ workbench.action.sync Synchronize ctrl+alt+y cmd+alt+y ✅ workbench.action.maximizeEditor Toggle maximizing editor ctrl+shift+f12 cmd+shift+f12 ✅ N/A Inspect current file with current profile alt+shift+i alt+shift+i ❌ workbench.action.selectTheme Quick switch current scheme ctrl+` ctrl+` ✅ workbench.action.openGlobalSettings Open Settings dialog ctrl+alt+s cmd+, ✅ workbench.action.tasks.configureTaskRunner Open Project Structure dialog ctrl+alt+shift+s cmd+; workbench.action.showCommands Find Action ctrl+shift+a shift+cmd+a ✅


Command Feature Linux/Win macOS workbench.action.debug.stepOver Step over / into f8 f8 ✅ workbench.action.debug.stepOut Step out shift+f8 shift+f8 ✅ workbench.action.debug.stepOut Smart Step into shift+f7 shift+f7 ❌ editor.debug.action.runToCursor Run to cursor alt+f9 alt+f9 ✅ editor.debug.action.selectionToRepl Evaluate expression alt+f8 alt+f8 ✅ workbench.action.debug.continue Resume program f9 f9 ✅ editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint Toggle breakpoint ctrl+f8 cmd+f8 ✅ workbench.view.debug View breakpoints ctrl+shift+f8 cmd+shift+f8 ✅

Search / Replace

Command Feature Linux/Win macOS workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext Switch between tabs and tool window ctrl+tab ctrl+tab workbench.action.quickOpen Go to file ctrl+shift+n cmd+shift+o workbench.action.closeActiveEditor Close active editor tab ctrl+f4 cmd+w workbench.action.openGlobalSettings Open Settings dialog ctrl+alt+s cmd+, editor.action.clipboardCutAction Cut current line to clipboard ctrl+x cmd+x editor.action.clipboardCopyAction Copy current line to clipboard ctrl+c cmd+c


Command Feature Linux/Win macOS


Command Feature Linux/Win macOS
Command Feature Linux/Win macOS

Compile and Run

Command Feature Linux/Win macOS
Command Feature Linux/Win macOS

VCS / Local History

Command Feature Linux/Win macOS


Live Templates

Command Feature Linux/Win macOS



JetBrains激活码(JetBrains IDE Keymap)分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。

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