简单说明下,这里的IACS是IoU-aware classification score的缩写。VFL原文里面这个target socre也就是q,是一个和IOU有关的软标签。对于挑选出的正样本(也就是和GT相交的样本)的分类标签分数不再是0、1两个极端,而是与IOU有关的标签q,这样的好处在于:比如IOU很大,标签就是0.9,IOU很小,标签就是0.1,直觉上也更有道理。
当q>0时,VFL对于正样本没有超参,也就是没有任何衰减;而当q=0时,VFL对于负样本是有超参项的,gama会减少负样本贡献,alpha是为了防止过度抑制,总体来说是会减少负样本的贡献的。这就是和focal loss的不同之处,focal loss两项都有超参,正样本的质量也是会被降低的。
def varifocal_loss(pred, target, alpha=0.75, gamma=2.0, iou_weighted=True, use_sigmoid=True): """`Varifocal Loss <https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.13367>`_ Args: pred (Tensor): The prediction with shape (N, C), C is the number of classes target (Tensor): The learning target of the iou-aware classification score with shape (N, C), C is the number of classes. alpha (float, optional): A balance factor for the negative part of Varifocal Loss, which is different from the alpha of Focal Loss. Defaults to 0.75. gamma (float, optional): The gamma for calculating the modulating factor. Defaults to 2.0. iou_weighted (bool, optional): Whether to weight the loss of the positive example with the iou target. Defaults to True. """ # pred and target should be of the same size assert pred.shape == target.shape if use_sigmoid: pred_new = F.sigmoid(pred) else: pred_new = pred target = target.cast(pred.dtype) if iou_weighted: focal_weight = target * (target > 0.0).cast('float32') + \ alpha * (pred_new - target).abs().pow(gamma) * \ (target <= 0.0).cast('float32') else: focal_weight = (target > 0.0).cast('float32') + \ alpha * (pred_new - target).abs().pow(gamma) * \ (target <= 0.0).cast('float32') if use_sigmoid: loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( pred, target, reduction='none') * focal_weight else: loss = F.binary_cross_entropy( pred, target, reduction='none') * focal_weight loss = loss.sum(axis=1) return loss
和公式有一点点不同的地方是q=0时,VFL=alpha * (pred_new - target).abs().pow(gamma),猜测target实际可能并不一定等于0,当然也兼容=0的情况。
今天的文章 varifocal loss(VFL)介绍分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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