

After a crazy week featuring not one but three separate events crammed into the span of one week (plus this past week of travel and catching up) I’m finally back to having my head above water and thought I’d take another minute to share a few more thoughts with y’all.This time I’m here to talk about the Unity TGIF and Unity Skills Workshop events held in Vancouver this past weekend on Friday July 24th and Saturday July 25th.

在一个疯狂的星期里,一个星期内没有一个,只有三个独立的事件塞满了东西(加上过去一周的旅行和赶超),我终于回到了头顶上,以为我还要花一点时间分享你们还有更多的想法。这次我是在这里谈论本周末在7月24日星期五和7月25日星期六在温哥华举行的Unity TGIF和Unity技能研讨会活动。

The folks at OverInteractive Media in Vancouver are very hot on Unity and they’re starting to spin up Unity Users Groups, starting in Vancouver but hoping to roll them out all over Canada and beyond. In addition to that they’re working on a next generation publishing channel for Unity developers called dimeRocker that will focus on Unity content and help developers reach out to social networking sites from one centralized location. It all sounds extremely cool in the long run but it’s still in its early stages so there will be more details as time rolls on. For now though they wanted to kick start their local user group by having a Unity TGIF networking event and I was invited up to Vancouver to deliver the keynote presentation. Following that they booked a Unity Skills Workshop the following day which was to be a 4-hour hands-on training class focusing on new users stepping into the product. Both turned out to be incredibly awesome, read on for details about both events as well as some photos!

温哥华OverInteractive Media的人们对Unity非常热衷,他们开始扩大Unity用户组 ,从温哥华开始,但希望将其推广到加拿大及其他地区。 除此之外,他们还在为Unity开发人员的下一代发布渠道(称为dimeRocker)工作,该渠道将专注于Unity内容,并帮助开发人员从一个集中位置访问社交网站。 从长远来看,这一切听起来都非常酷,但它仍处于早期阶段,因此随着时间的流逝会有更多细节。 目前,尽管他们想通过举办Unity TGIF社交活动来启动本地用户组,​​但我还是受邀去温哥华做主题演讲。 之后,他们在第二天预定了Unity技能研讨会 ,这是一个为时4小时的动手培训课程,着重于新用户踏入产品的过程。 两者都非常出色,请继续阅读以获取有关这两个事件的详细信息以及一些照片!

Unity TGIF For the TGIF event on Friday night they rented out an insanely cool renovated Chinese theater in town (District 319), gathered around 150 people (the majority of whom don’t yet use Unity) and gave me the opportunity to introduce them to our product. The evening started with a social welcoming event that lasted about an hour, then there were a few brief introductory presentations by J. Jolly of OverInteractive Media as well as Jason Bailey of Super Rewards (both of whom are cool guys to say the least), following them I was given the stage for an hour. During that time I covered the basics of who we are, where we come from, why were here and how Unity can help them achieve their game development goals. The presentation went great, the questions came from all corners, some tough, some easy, but all showing an intense interest from the audience. After my presentation was done I couldn’t leave the stage area for a good 45 minutes as folks kept on coming up to me asking even more questions. Luckily Darrel Plant (long-time Director user, now a Unity developer) saved me by bringing me a cold drink from the bar to quench my thirst! The social after-party went on Until 10pm or so with me getting to spend a lot of time chatting with folks and I think it’s going to lead to quite a number of new users. A few folks reported to me that they bought Unity on the spot right after my presentation! Gold!

Unity TGIF在周五晚上的TGIF活动中,他们租了镇上( 第319区 )一座疯狂翻新的中国剧院,聚集了约150人(其中大多数尚未使用Unity),并给了我介绍他们的机会。我们的产品。 晚上的社交欢迎活动开始了一个小时,持续了大约一个小时,然后有OverInteractive Media的J. Jolly以及Super Rewards的 Jason Bailey做了一些简短的介绍性演讲(他们都是好人)跟着他们,我上了一个小时的舞台。 在这段时间里,我介绍了我们的基本知识,我们来自哪里,为什么在这里以及Unity如何帮助他们实现游戏开发目标。 演讲进行得非常好,问题来自各个角落,有些棘手,有些容易,但都引起了观众的浓厚兴趣。 演讲结束后,我无法离开舞台长达45分钟,因为人们不断走近我,向我提出更多问题。 幸运的是,Darrel Plant(长期的总监用户,现在是Unity开发人员)通过从酒吧为我带来一杯冷饮来解渴,救了我! 社交聚会一直持续到晚上10点左右,我开始花很多时间与人们聊天,我认为这将吸引大量新用户。 一些人向我报告说,他们在我演讲后立即购买了Unity! 金!

Unity Skills Workshop For the Saturday Skills Workshop they booked us into the Centre for Digital Media, a cool digital media school in Vancouver. I was able to get in front of 35 people and gave a four hour class on Unity. It covered the basics but everyone there seemed to dig it and hopefully take away some, if not a lot of tidbits of information. In the room were total newbies, some Unity developers and even one guy from EA Vancouver! One of the guages of well it went is that we went over-time by about 30-45 minutes (so many questions!), folks ran off to buy the product right away as well as tweet/blog/post to Facebook about the event. I’m altogether quite happy to have spent my Saturday like that! Following the class I was treated to a great dinner that night with a few notable folks from the local games industry which not only provided me with some seriously good food (Chambar was incredible!) but also some time to wind down and chat with some local industry folks, making great connections both personal and professional. We sat at the table for nearly three hours covering about every topic you can imagine, but with a bunch of game geeks the topics kept coming back to games and ultimately, Unity. Again, gold!

Unity技能研讨会在星期六技能研讨会上,他们将我们预订到了数字媒体中心 ,这是温哥华一个很酷的数字媒体学校。 我能够带领35个人参加,并在Unity上了四个小时的课程。 它涵盖了基础知识,但是那里的每个人似乎都在挖掘它,并希望能消除一些(即使不是很多)信息。 房间里有新手,一些Unity开发人员,甚至还有一个来自EA Vancouver的家伙! 顺利的方法之一是,我们加班了大约30-45分钟(这么多问题!),人们跑去购买产品,并通过推特/博客/发布到Facebook上了解该事件。 。 我非常高兴能像这样度过我的星期六! 上完课后,当晚我与当地游戏界的一些著名人士共进了丰盛的晚餐,不仅为我提供了一些非常美味的食物( Chambar令人难以置信!),还有一些时间让我放松一下并与一些当地人聊天行业人士,在个人和专业上建立了良好的联系。 我们在桌旁坐了近三个小时,讨论了您可以想象到的每个主题,但是随着一群游戏迷,这些主题又回到了游戏中,最终回到了Unity。 再次,黄金!

I Owe Some Thanks! I want to note that J. Jolly and Glen Lougheed from OverInteractive Media (and their whole gang of folks in Vancouver) get tons of appreciation out of me. The entire weekend was on their tab, they paid for the airfare, my hotel, all meals, kept me fed, busy, happy and productive. Of course that wouldn’t have happened without the help of many local sponsors so I’d like to call each of them out:

我欠谢谢! 我想指出, OverInteractive Media的 J. Jolly和Glen Lougheed(以及整个温哥华的伙计们)从我这里得到了无数的赞赏。 整个周末都在他们的选项卡上,他们为机票,我的酒店,所有的饭菜付钱,让我饱食,忙碌,快乐和富有成效。 当然,如果没有许多本地赞助商的帮助,这是不会发生的,因此,我想请他们中的每一个:

OverInteractive Media dimeRocker Super Rewards work [at] play Fan Trust Centre for Digital Media

OverInteractive Media dimeRocker Super Rewards 工作[在]播放 球迷 数字媒体 信任 中心

And last but definitely not least…


bootup labs


Seriously, without those folks these events may not have ever happened, and if so they wouldn’t have been nearly as cool. Thanks for such an incredible weekend!

严重的是,没有这些人,这些事件可能永远不会发生,如果是的话,他们将不会像以前那么酷。 感谢您度过如此美好的周末!

Let’s get on with a few pictures!



Folks arrive at District 319 and check in for the TGIF event



Food was served…



As were drinks…



Eventually I was on stage…



With a good crowd in attendance…



Who flooded me with questions both during and after my presentation (what’s up McKane and Bill! :) )



The Centre for Digital Media where the workshop was held on Saturday



An in-class action shot showing a packed house!


If you want to see more photos then check out the photos posted on Flickr!

如果您想查看更多照片,请查看Flickr上发布的照片 !

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/08/01/vancouver-unity-tgif-skills/


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