


Many of the world’s history books always include the same unfortunate detail….the lack of women written about. This is not to say that women haven’t been a part of some of the biggest historical events and innovations of past times. It’s just that no one ever took the time to write about them. In the era of inclusion, with more women flocking to STEM-related job fields than ever before, taking the time to remember the history of women in tech is vital to moving towards a more inclusive future. It’s time to educate young girls, women, and all people about the rich history and amazing impact that women have had on the tech industry.

世界上许多历史书籍总是包含相同的不幸细节……缺乏女性写作。 这并不是说女性并没有成为过去一些重大历史事件和创新的一部分。 只是没有人花时间写关于他们的事情。 在包容时代,与以往相比,越来越多的女性涌向与STEM相关的工作领域,花时间记住科技领域的女性历史对于迈向更具包容性的未来至关重要。 现在是时候教育年轻女孩,妇女和所有人,让他们了解女性对科技行业的悠久历史和惊人影响。

号码 (The Numbers)

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Before we dive into the past, present, and future of women in technology, let’s take a look at a few startling statistics about women in tech. While more women are entering STEM-related fields than ever before, men still outnumber women in tech 31% to 15%. Women hold over 57% of the total jobs in the workforce, however, only 25% of the tech industry is made up of women. This means that in the office, only 1 out of 4 employees is a woman. Even women who do work in the tech industry, unfortunately, make significantly less than men. For the average male salary of $91,000, a woman makes roughly only $75,000.

在深入探讨科技女性的过去,现在和未来之前,让我们看一下有关科技女性的一些惊人统计数据。 尽管进入STEM相关领域的女性人数比以往任何时候都要多,但在科技领域,男性仍然比女性多31%至15%。 妇女占劳动力总数的57%以上,但是,科技行业中只有25%由妇女组成。 这意味着在办公室中,只有四分之一的雇员是女性。 不幸的是,即使是从事科技行业的女性,其收入也明显低于男性。 男性的平均年薪为91,000美元,女性的年薪仅为75,000美元。

过去 (The Past)

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From numerous contributions to coding languages to the modifications of the Internet and our hardware, women have impacted every aspect of the tech industry as we know it today. Check out five of the most influential women (or groups of women) in the tech industry throughout the last century.

从对编码语言的众多贡献到对Internet和我们硬件的修改,女性已经影响了我们今天所知道的技术行业的各个方面。 查看上个世纪在科技行业中最有影响力的5位女性(或女性群体)。

布莱奇利公园密码饼干 (The Bletchley Park Code Crackers)

From 1938 to 1945, The Bletchley Park Code Crackers were an elite code-cracking team that helped change the course of World War II in favor of the allies. By cracking certain enemy codes, the women were able to give Prime Minister Winston Churchill an early knowledge of Germany’s invasion plans, thus allowing the British enough time to prepare and counteract the attack. The women auditioned for this elite team by solving the Time’s cryptic crossword puzzles. The reason why this group was coined the name Bletchley Park Code Crackers is because these women worked to solve the codes while staying in a mansion at Bletchley Park.

从1938年到1945年,布莱奇利公园密码激活成功教程者是一支精锐的密码激活成功教程团队,它帮助改变了第二次世界大战的进程,使盟友受益匪浅。 通过激活成功教程某些敌人的密码,这些妇女得以使总理温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)早日了解了德国的入侵计划,从而使英国人有足够的时间准备并抵制这次袭击。 女人们通过解决《时代》的神秘填字游戏,为这个精英团队试镜。 该组之所以被命名为Bletchley Park Code Crackers这个名字,是因为这些妇女在留在Bletchley Park的豪宅中时努力解决了密码。

宾夕法尼亚大学摩尔工程学院的女士 (The ladies of the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Engineering)

Yet another war era group, these ladies helped to change the course of World War II in 1942. The women at the University of Pennsylvania upheld several roles. Some of which included making calculations for firing tables and bombing trajectories, determining the correct sequence of steps for the calculation of complex problems, setting up the ENAIC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, which was the first electronic general-purpose computer), and maneuvering over 3,000 switches and over 80 tons of hardware to program the ENAIC by hand.

另一个战争时代的组织,这些女士帮助改变了1942年的第二次世界大战的进程。宾夕法尼亚大学的妇女担任了几个职务。 其中包括计算点火台和炸弹轨迹,确定计算复杂问题的正确步骤顺序,设置ENAIC(电子数值积分器和计算机,这是第一台电子通用计算机)以及操纵超过3,000台交换机和80吨以上的硬件可以手动对ENAIC进行编程。

让·萨米特 (Jean E. Sammet)

One of the pioneers at major tech company IBM, she was the first woman to be awarded a Ph.D. in computer science in 1968. She went on to develop the first computer programming language while working at IBM. Without Jean, we may have never learned to communicate with computers through the art of coding.

她是大型科技公司IBM的先驱之一,是第一位获得博士学位的女性。 1968年获得计算机科学博士学位。在IBM工作期间,她继续开发了第一种计算机编程语言。 没有Jean,我们可能永远不会学会通过编码技术与计算机进行通信。

卡罗尔·肖 (Carol Shaw)

When we think of technology, it’s important to remember the innovation of the gaming industry as well. Carol was the first female video game designer working with Atari first and then later joining Activision. She created some of the most popular games of the 1970s and 1980s, with prominent titles including 3-D tic tac toe, Super Breakout, Happy Trails, and fan favorite, River Raid.

当我们想到技术时,记住游戏产业的创新也很重要。 Carol是第一位与Atari合作的女性视频游戏设计师,之后又加入了Activision。 她创作了1970年代和1980年代最受欢迎的游戏,并以3D井字游戏,Super Breakout,Happy Trails和粉丝最喜欢的River Raid着称。

拉迪亚·珀尔曼(Radia Perlman) (Radia Perlman)

When we think of technology, it’s kind of hard to not also think of the internet. In today’s society, your tech devices and hardware are almost useless without a WI-FI connection, this is where Radia comes in. She is known to many as the “Mother of the Internet” as she invented a specific system called the “spanning tree” protocol. Spanning tree is a protocol that ensures a system is loop free for any ethernet local area networks. As loops are essentially deadly to a network, Radia’s work has transformed the internet into what it is today.

当我们想到技术时,很难不想到互联网。 在当今社会中,如果没有WI-FI连接,您的技术设备和硬件几乎将无用,这就是Radia的用武之地。她发明了一种称为“生成树”的特定系统,因此被许多人称为“互联网之母”。 “ 协议。 生成树是一种协议,可确保系统对于任何以太网局域网都是无环路的。 由于环路本质上是致命的,因此Radia的工作已将互联网转变为当今的互联网。

现在 (The Present)

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Now on to the present, the era of high-speed WI-Fi, internet cafes, and Air Pods. Women in our industry are currently doing some pretty amazing things! Check out five women in modern tech who are changing the game!

现在到现在,是高速WI-Fi,网吧和Air Pods的时代。 我们行业中的女性目前正在做一些非常了不起的事情! 看看有5位正在改变游戏规则的现代科技女性!

凯瑟琳·帕森斯 (Kathryn Parsons)

Kathryn founded Decoded, which is a platform that helps people of all backgrounds become digitally literate and learn to code. As of 2013, the program has helped more than 2000 people learn to code. She was once named one of Business Insider’s 30 Most Important Women in Tech under 30. Kathryn is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and currently speaks four languages (Italian, Mandarin, French, and Japanese).

凯瑟琳(Kathryn)创立了Decoded,这是一个平台,可以帮助所有背景的人们进行数字素养和学习编码。 截至2013年,该程序已帮助2000多人学习了编码。 她曾经被《商业内幕》杂志评为30岁以下30位最重要的科技女性之一。凯瑟琳(Kathryn)致力于追求知识,目前会讲四种语言(意大利语,普通话,法语和日语)。

萨曼莎·约翰(Samantha John) (Samantha John)

At the age of 26, Samantha is the cofounder of Hopscotch and a programming master. She is a major player in learning advocation and uses her startup as a way to teach kids to program their own games and animations.

萨曼莎(Samantha)在26岁时是霍普斯科特(Hopscotch)的联合创始人和编程大师。 她是学习提倡的主要参与者,并利用自己的创业公司来教孩子们编写自己的游戏和动画。

希瑟·佩恩 (Heather Payne)

Heather is dedicated to the coding education of women. She’s so dedicated that she founded two different organizations to help fulfill this goal. As the founder of both Ladies Learning Code and HackerYou, Heather’s mission is to make tech learning accessible to women and girls of all ages and backgrounds. Girls Learning Code works specifically with girls in the Toronto area as it immerses them in a coding technology camp.

Heather致力于女性的编码教育。 她非常敬业,以至于她成立了两个不同的组织来帮助实现这一目标。 作为“女士学习代码”和“ HackerYou”的创始人,Heather的使命是使所有年龄和背景的妇女和女孩都可以使用技术学习。 《女孩学习代码》专门与多伦多地区的女孩一起工作,因为他们将他们沉浸在编码技术阵营中。

梅格·惠特曼 (Meg Whitman)

Meg currently serves as the CEO of Quibi and reigned as the former CEO of HP from 2011 to 2018. She has worked in leadership at many other companies including eBay, Disney, Proctor & Gamble, FTD Inc., and Hasbro. She has degrees from both Harvard Business School and Princeton University.

梅格目前担任Quibi的首席执行官,并在2011年至2018年期间担任惠普前首席执行官。她曾在许多其他公司担任领导职务,包括eBay,迪士尼,宝洁,FTD Inc.和孩之宝。 她拥有哈佛商学院和普林斯顿大学的学位。

玛丽莎·梅耶(Marissa Mayer) (Marissa Mayer)

Marissa worked as the CEO of Yahoo from 2012 to 2017. During that time, Marissa led the major business acquisition of Tumblr and worked to continue to grow company stock. Before becoming Yahoo’s CEO in 2012, Marissa worked as an employee for Google. She was educated at Stanford and currently holds degrees in Symbolic Systems and Computer Science. Since her time at Yahoo, Marissa has gone on to start Lumi Labs, a Palo Alto based company that works in artificial intelligence and consumer media.

Marissa在2012年至2017年期间担任Yahoo的首席执行官。在此期间,Marissa领导了对Tumblr的主要业务收购,并致力于继续增加公司股票。 在2012年成为雅虎首席执行官之前,玛丽莎曾在Google担任过员工。 她在斯坦福大学接受教育,目前持有符号系统和计算机科学学位。 自从在Yahoo工作以来,Marissa便创立了Lumi Labs,这是一家位于帕洛阿尔托的公司,致力于人工智能和消费媒体。

未来 (The Future)

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So, now that we’ve discussed the past and present women who have changed the tech industry as we know it, where do we go from here? As referenced at the beginning of this article, even with all the progress that’s been made, women still make up a small part of the tech industry. Even for women who do work in the tech industry, several must face difficult challenges and less pay than their male counterparts. What are we doing as a society to ensure the future success of women in the tech industry?

那么,既然我们已经讨论了过去和现在改变了我们所知道的技术行业的女性,那么我们从哪里去呢? 正如本文开头所提到的,尽管取得了所有进步,但女性仍然只占科技行业的一小部分。 即使对于在科技行业工作的女性,也有一些女性必须比男性男性面临艰巨的挑战,并且工资要少。 作为一个社会,我们要做什么以确保女性在科技行业的未来成功?

编码的女孩 (Girls Who Code)

You may have heard of this prominent organization before, Girls Who Code is a program that teaches girls aged 13–17 how to build websites, mobile apps, and start their own companies. The program takes in 20 girls and lasts for 8 weeks per session. The program is available in cities across the globe. Their mission is to get girls interested in science and engineering when they are very young and continue to support them as they pursue an education in technology

您可能曾经听说过这个杰出的组织,“ Girls Who Code”程序可以教13-17岁的女孩如何建立网站,移动应用程序以及创建自己的公司。 该计划招收20名女孩,每次课程持续8周。 该计划在全球各城市均可使用。 他们的任务是让年轻的女孩对科学和工程感兴趣,并在他们接受技术教育时继续支持他们

黑人女孩代码 (Black Girls Code)

A shocking 1% of all technology startups are founded by African Americans, and even less are founded by African American women. Kimberly Bryant, the founder of Black Girls Code, wishes to change that. The company takes in African American girls aged 7 to 17 and offers courses in many different U.S cities.

在所有科技创业公司中,令人震惊的1%是由非洲裔美国人创办的,而由非洲裔美国妇女创办的公司甚至更少。 《黑人女孩密码》的创始人金伯利·布莱恩特(Kimberly Bryant)希望改变这一状况。 该公司招收7至17岁的非洲裔美国女孩,并在美国许多不同的城市开设课程。

Stemettes项目 (Stemettes Project)

The goal of the Stemette Project is to inspire the next generation of girls to pursue STEM-related educations and careers. As the project continues to grow, over 700 girls in the UK have already had the opportunity to get a glimpse into the STEM industry. The program’s mission statement specifically targets getting parents on board with STEM education and encourage them to help their children continue to learn both at home and in school.

Stemette项目的目标是激发下一代女孩从事与STEM相关的教育和职业。 随着项目的不断发展,英国已有700多名女孩有机会一窥STEM行业。 该计划的任务声明专门针对让父母参加STEM教育,并鼓励他们帮助孩子继续在家里和学校学习。

These are just three of the numerous programs out there to help change the tide of the future of women in technology. Prominent resources for women in tech include scholarships, grants, mentorships, and other helpful and inclusive programs.

这些只是那里众多的计划中的三个,可以帮助改变女性在科技领域的未来潮流。 高科技领域中女性的重要资源包括奖学金,助学金,指导老师以及其他有用且包容的计划。

您可以做什么来支持女性从事科技行业? (What Can You Do to Support Women in Tech?)

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So, now that you know a bit more about the history of women in technology you may be wondering “where do I fit in?”. Whether you identify as a woman or not, the responsibility to fight for equality in the tech industry falls on everyone’s shoulders. With companies of all sizes working to improve diversity across all sectors of work, the future for women and minorities in tech is brighter than ever before! Continue to do your part, speak up, be an ally, and a role model. The next generation of women looking to pursue a career in tech will thank you!

因此,既然您对科技女性的历史有了更多的了解,您可能会想知道“我适合哪里?”。 无论您是女性还是女性,在科技行业争取平等的责任都落在每个人的肩膀上。 随着各种规模的公司致力于改善各个工作领域的多样性,女性和少数族裔在科技领域的未来比以往更加光明! 继续发挥自己的作用,大声说出来,成为盟友和榜样。 希望从事科技事业的下一代女性将感谢您!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/women-in-tech-the-past-present-and-future-3351a00466b9



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