








其中存在对应关系:mySpecies[i].second = (mySpecies[i].first + 1) / 3 * speciesNums;


关于早熟的理解:例如只有两个个体:[1,1,1,0,0], [],我们不难看出他们的第一个都是1,无论你怎么交叉,它都是1,我们可以假设如果所有的种群在某一位相等,那么他就永远不会改变,那样就失去了交叉的意义,所以需要强制变异。


package Solutions.GenAlgorithm;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;

public class MaxValue {
    public static class MyEntity{
        //first is the number of interval [left, right].
        //second is the number of a representation on binary
        //third is the fitness of this entity
        public double first, second, third;
    //really Species Population
    private int count = 0;
    public int speciesCounts = 0;
    public int speciesNums = 0;
    //Crossover probability
    public double p = 0.7;
    //Mutation probability
    public double mutationProbability = 0.001;
    //better species that each cycle to select
    public MyEntity[] mySpecies;
    //the number of a species
    public int mySpeciesPopulation;
    //the best Entity
    public MyEntity bestEntity = new MyEntity();
    //a class to reserve the function about fitness
    public AdaptiveFunctions adaptiveFunctions = new AdaptiveFunctions();
    //calculate Species population
    public void initSpecies(int left, int right, int accurateValue){
        //expected Species population
        speciesNums = 0;
        speciesCounts = 0;
        bestEntity.third = 0;
        bestEntity.first = 0;
        bestEntity.second = 0;
        int entityLength = (int) Math.pow(10, accurateValue) * (right - left);
        int temp = 1;
        do {
            temp *= 2;
        } while (temp < entityLength);
        speciesNums = temp;
    //create a species
    public void createSpecies(int population){
        //random to create entity.
        this.mySpecies = new MyEntity[population];
        this.mySpeciesPopulation = population;
        //the range is from left to right.
        //example: if our interval is [-1,2].
        //the random is [0,1], we need mul 3 and subtract 1 to get [-1,2].
        for(int i = 0;i < population;i++){
            mySpecies[i] = new MyEntity();
            mySpecies[i].first = (Math.random() * 3) - 1;
            mySpecies[i].second = (mySpecies[i].first + 1) / 3 * speciesNums;
    //to calculate the fitness to select better entity
    public void selectSpecies(){
        int n = mySpecies.length;
        double sum = 0, m = 0;
        //calculate the sum of fitness.
        for (var specy : mySpecies) {
            specy.third = adaptiveFunctions.maxFunctions(specy.first);
            sum += specy.third;
        //to get the probability of each entity
        //select better entity
        MyEntity worstEntity = new MyEntity();
        MyEntity[] myTempSpecies = new MyEntity[n];
        for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
            double r = Math.random() * sum;
            myTempSpecies[i] = new MyEntity();
            double preFitnessValue = 0;
            for (var mySpecy : mySpecies) {
                preFitnessValue += mySpecy.third;
                if (preFitnessValue >= r) {
                    myTempSpecies[i] = mySpecy;
        for(int i = 0;i < mySpeciesPopulation;i++){
            if(mySpecies[i].third > bestEntity.third){
                count = 0;
                bestEntity.third = mySpecies[i].third;
                bestEntity.second = mySpecies[i].second;
                bestEntity.first = mySpecies[i].first;
        //exchange the value
        System.arraycopy(myTempSpecies, 0, mySpecies, 0, n);
    public void crossoverSpecies(){
        for(int i = 0, pre = -1;i < mySpecies.length;i++){
            if(Math.random() < p){
                if (pre == -1) pre = i;
                else {
                    //start crossover
                    int crossoverPoint = new Random().nextInt(speciesCounts + 1);
                    //System.out.println(l + " " + r);
                    //we need 22 bit, so we use this format to get that.
                    StringBuilder p1 = new StringBuilder(String.format("%22s", Integer.toBinaryString((int)mySpecies[pre].second)).replace(' ', '0'));
                    StringBuilder p2 = new StringBuilder(String.format("%22s", Integer.toBinaryString((int)mySpecies[i].second)).replace(' ', '0'));
                    //from crossoverPoint to start crossover.
                    for(int j = crossoverPoint;j < p1.length();j++){
                        var sp = p1.charAt(j);
                        p1.setCharAt(j, p2.charAt(j));
                        p2.setCharAt(j, sp);
                    //change the 2 bit to 10 bit.
                    int num1 = Integer.parseInt(p1.toString(), 2);
                    int num2 = Integer.parseInt(p2.toString(), 2);
                    //other value also be changed synchronously
                    mySpecies[pre].second = num1;
                    mySpecies[pre].first = 3 * num1 * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1;
                    mySpecies[pre].third = adaptiveFunctions.maxFunctions(mySpecies[pre].first);
                    mySpecies[i].second = num2;
                    mySpecies[i].first = 3 * num2 * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1;
                    mySpecies[i].third = adaptiveFunctions.maxFunctions(mySpecies[i].first);


    public void mutation(){
        StringBuilder[] sb = new StringBuilder[mySpeciesPopulation];
        for(int i = 0;i < mySpeciesPopulation;i++){
            sb[i] = new StringBuilder(String.format("%22s", Integer.toBinaryString((int)mySpecies[i].second)).replace(' ', '0'));
            var r = Math.random();
            //start mutate
            if(r < mutationProbability){
                //select entity to mutate
                int mutationIndex = new Random().nextInt(speciesCounts);
                StringBuilder p = new StringBuilder(String.format("%22s", Integer.toBinaryString((int)mySpecies[i].second)).replace(' ', '0'));
                var target = p.charAt(mutationIndex);
                if(target == '0') p.setCharAt(mutationIndex, '1');
                else p.setCharAt(mutationIndex, '0');
                int num = Integer.parseInt(p.toString(), 2);
                var m = adaptiveFunctions.maxFunctions(3 * num * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1);
                mySpecies[i].second = num;
                mySpecies[i].first = 3 * num * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1;
                mySpecies[i].third = m;
        //Prevent the entry of local optimal solutions
        for(int i = 0;i < speciesCounts;i++){
            boolean isSample = true;
            for(int j = 1;j < mySpeciesPopulation;j++){
                if(sb[j].charAt(i) != sb[j-1].charAt(i)){
                    isSample = false;
            if (isSample){
                for(int k = 0;k < mySpeciesPopulation / 5;k++){
                    int j = new Random().nextInt(mySpeciesPopulation);
                    var target = sb[j].charAt(i);
                    if(target == '0') sb[j].setCharAt(i, '1');
                    else sb[j].setCharAt(i, '0');
        for(int i = 0;i < mySpeciesPopulation ;i++){
            //System.out.println(sb[i] + " " +  "Best Entity : " + " " + bestEntity.third);
            int num = Integer.parseInt(sb[i].toString(), 2);
            var m = adaptiveFunctions.maxFunctions(3 * num * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1);
            mySpecies[i].second = num;
            mySpecies[i].first = 3 * num * 1.0 / speciesNums - 1;
            mySpecies[i].third = m;
    //to find the worstEntity
    private int findWorstEntity(){
        double f = mySpecies[0].third;
        int index = 0;
        for(int i = 0;i < mySpeciesPopulation;i++){
            if(mySpecies[i].third < f){
                f = mySpecies[i].third;
                index = i;
        return index;
    public double startIterate(int left, int right, int accurateValue, int population, int iteratingCounts){
        double ans = 0, fitness = 0;
        //fist we init the population.
        //to seek how many counts we need.
        initSpecies(left, right, accurateValue);
        //then we can create the population by the former
        //start to iterator the population to find the best entity
        while(iteratingCounts-- != 0){
            if(this.count >= 100){
            //use bestEntity to replace worstEntity
            /*for(var species : mySpecies){
                System.out.println(String.format("%22s", Integer.toBinaryString((int)species.second)).replace(' ', '0'));
            int index = findWorstEntity();
            mySpecies[index].first = bestEntity.first;
            mySpecies[index].second = bestEntity.second;
            mySpecies[index].third = bestEntity.third;
        //we can seek the result when we finish iteration.
        for(var species : mySpecies){
            if(species.third > fitness){
                ans = species.first;
                fitness = species.third;
        System.out.println("X值为:\t" + ans);
        return fitness;


package Solutions.GenAlgorithm;

public class AdaptiveFunctions {
    public double maxFunctions(double x){
        return x * Math.sin(10 * Math.PI * x) + 2.0;


package org.example;

import Solutions.GenAlgorithm.MaxValue;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        MaxValue maxValue = new MaxValue();
        System.out.println(maxValue.startIterate(-1, 2, 6, 50, 1));





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